Posts Tagged 'Star Wars'

Darth Palin?

I watched the acceptance speech by Obama last night (yes, I can!) and the concession speech by McCain. Both speeches were great in my opinion and I wish both candidates were this candid prior to the election. Any ways, that is beside the point. Now onto the real news.

I did catch one phrase that John McCain said in his speech that caught my attention.

We can all look forward with great interest to her future service in Alaska, the Republican Party and our country – McCain to Gov. Sarah Palin

I could not help but notice that this is very similar to another quote by an elderly senator to a rapidly rising and unknown young buck.

We will watch your career with great interest

Some of you will get this right away, for others who are not as well-versed in the Star Wars galaxy as I am (my one and only nerdy vice), I’ll tell you. Palpatine said it to eight-year-old Anakin Skywalker at a celebration just as he destroyed a Trade Federation Droid Ship.

McCain and Palpatine. Both are senators. Both are really old. Both have awkward smiles. Both are a part of a government that the majority are unhappy with (Galactic Senate and Republican Party). Both can shoot electricity out of their fingers.

Anakin and Palin. Both have “in” their names. Both were complete unknowns until something thrust them into the spotlight. Both have future careers within a political landscape. Both are from desolate, backwards places that lack a population of females (Tatooine and Alaska). Both are considered young and dynamic.

Uncanny? I believe so. I’ll tell you one thing. I’m going to re-watch all six Star Wars movies right now. After 13 hours of Star Wars, I’ll know more about the future of politics than anyone in America.

“Cut through the pork, young Palin.”


The Best Trilogies Ever Made


10. The Matrix

9. The Bourne movies

8.  Austin Powers

7. Lord of the Rings

6. X-Men

5. Indiana Jones

4. The Godfather

3. Back to the Future

2. Lord of the Rings

1. Star Wars

(Honerable Mentions: Land Before Time (all 10 of them), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Terminator, Crocodile Dundee)

This is a definitive list and cannot be refutedby anyone on earth. Not only are you wrong if you think otherwise, you cannot argue with it’s supremacy. Through careful and deliberate measuring methods, I have whittled down the list into an extremely accurate and cohesive list that ranks the top ten trilogies of all-time.

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