Posts Tagged 'Graphic Design'

Wild about Wilde

I just recently saw a documentary concert movie called Largo at the Vancouver Film Festival (which everyone should go see) and I came across an artist named Autumn de Wilde who did the photography for a montage at the end of the film. I commenced to investigate further.

She has done a lot of of her most recognizable work doing album covers for artists like Beck and the White Stripes and some magazine covers, but she is a multi-talented dynamo with work ranging from documentaries, graphic design, photography and fashion shoots. Take a peek at some of her work.

Taking the ‘mum’ out of of Minimum

You may have seen a few of his magazine covers for the New Yorker or you may have not. As high profile as the New Yorkeris, Richard McGuire’s reputation rests on the small shoulders of his thin body of work. However, I ran across some of his work and I really admire them. He is relatively unknown, just try searching for him off Google.

His illustrations are extremely simple and minimalist , but they are endearing. He dabbles in all types of media, from web design and animation to children’s books and illustrations. He primarily focuses his work on illustrations for the press, but he has created his own line of toys as well. Mr. McGuire is renowned for his graphic design innovations because he combines drawing, paper cutouts and vectoral drawings.

One of my favorite movies, Catch Me If You Can, also has one of my favorite opening credit scenes and Richard McGuire’s work is very similar in my opinion. Here is some of his work.

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